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Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Inilah Tsunami Terbesar Yang Pernah Melanda Bumi

sunami terbesar yang pernah terjadi justru terjadi di Alaska, tepatnya di LITUYA BAY pada tahun 1958. Disebutkan bahwa gelombang airnya mencapai ketinggian 524 meter (lebih tinggi dari empire stete building) !!!

Lituya Bay is a fjord located on the Fairweather Fault in the northeastern part of the Gulf of Alaska. It is a T-shaped bay with a width of two miles and a length of seven miles. Lituya Bay is an ice-scoured tidal inlet with a maximum depth of 220m (722ft). At the narrow entrance of the bay is has a depth of only 10m (33ft). The two arms that create the top of the T-shape of the bay are the Gilbert and Crillon inlets and are a part of a trench on the Fairweather Fault.[2] In the past 150 years Lituya Bay has generated five giant waves. The last event, before this 1958 mega tsunami occurred was on October 27, 1936. This wave reached a height of 150m (492 feet), and was not solely caused by an earthquake.

The major earthquake that struck on the Fairweather Fault with a Richter scale reading of 7.9, and some sources have reported it to be as much as 8.3. The epicenter of the quake was at latitude 58.6N., longitude 137.1W. near the Fairweather Range, 7.5 miles east of the surface trace of the Fairweather fault, and 13 miles southeast of Lituya Bay. This earthquake had been the strongest in over 50 years for this region. September 4, 1899 is the date of the Cape Yakataga earthquake, with a reading of 8.2 on the Richter scale. The shock was felt in southeastern Alaska cities within 400,000 square miles, as far south as Seattle, Washington and as far east as Whitehorse, Y.T., Canada.

A major factor in this massive wave was the sub aerial rock fall that occurred right after the earthquake in the Gilbert Inlet. This landslide caused 30 million cubic meters of rock to fall into the bay. However, no landslide has ever been recorded to produce a wave even close to the one in Lituya Bay. The largest slide-generated waves on record occurred in Norway. Even these waves were eight times smaller than the 1,720ft Lituya bay wave. Scientists have concluded that a simple displacement of water by material is not near enough energy to be the cause of this 1,720ft run-up on the other side of the Gilbert Inlet.


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