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Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

The 'Guinness Book of (Universe) Records'

Over the last 50 years, as our telescopes have got bigger and better, we have started to learn a little bit about our cosmic neighbours.
And astronomers have found a huge array of planets out there, with some startling characteristics, certainly worthy of a mention in an intergalactic version of the Guinness Book of Records.
For instance there's the fastest planet - SWEEPS-10 - which flies around its sun at a distance of just 740,000 miles - about three times the moon's distance from Earth - meaning a year lasts just 10 hours.
SWEEPS-10 orbits its parent star such velocity that it completes an orbit - or a 'day' - in just 10 hours
FASTEST: The planet SWEEPS-10 orbits its parent star such velocity that it completes an orbit - or a year - in just 10 hours
Or there's the largest planet known to us - TrES-4 - which is 1.7 times the size of our solar system's goliath, Jupiter.
This planet may also be a candidate for 'strangest', as it is so light - with the density of cork - that it probably drags around a comet-like tail composed of its own atmosphere. Stick it in a (king size) bath-tub and it would float.

Georgi Mandushev, of the Lowell Observatory in Arizona, said: 'It's mean density is only about 0.2 grams per cubic centimeter, or about the density of balsa wood.
'And because of the planet's relatively weak pull on its upper atmosphere, some of the atmosphere probably escapes in a comet-like tail.'
LARGEST: TrES-4, 14,00 light years away, is a 'puffy' planet with an extremely low density
LARGEST: TrES-4, 14,00 light years away, is a 'puffy' planet with an extremely low density
The catalogue of strange planets was put together by Space.com, and shows us some of the surprising characteristics of this universe, which continue to change our perception of physics.
Honorary mention: Our own blue marble gets a nod for sustaining life. Thanks, Earth!
Honorary mention: Our own blue marble gets a nod for sustaining life
For example, meet planet Methusela (or, if you want the real name, PSR B1620-26 b). It is the oldest planet ever discovered, one of the grandfathers of the universe, having formed around 12.7billion years - making it eight billion years older than Earth.
Methusela formed just two billion years after the Big Bang. The discovery in 1993 changed our perception of planet formation, implying there are many older planets out there waiting to discover.
Implications mean there is an increased likelihood of life in the universe - as life could have evolved earlier than thought - and the planet will have gone through may evolutions in its lifetime, making it a fascinating study as our observational skills grow.
NASA scientists also believe the planet may have evolved around a different star, which burnt itself out, before being captured by another passing star.
At the other end of the scale, at less than one million years old, is an as yet un-named planet, which orbits the star Coku Tau, at a relatively close 420 light years.
OLDEST: The ancient world of Methusela (named after the oldest man in the Bible) is around 12.7 billion years old - the oldest ever discovered
OLDEST: The ancient world of Methusela (named after the oldest man in the Bible) is around 12.7 billion years old - the oldest ever discovered
YOUNGEST: The babiest planet of them all, this one orbits Coku Tau - and is probably less than a million years old
YOUNGEST: The babiest planet of them all, this one orbits Coku Tau - and is probably less than a million years old
The hottest world yet discovered is WASP-12b, a gaseous planet with a Sahara-beating top temperature of about 2,200 degrees Celsius. It is also a contender for one of the biggest, at almost twice Jupiter's size.
If that's too hot for you, try the coldest - OGLE-BLG-390L. At five times the mass of Earth, and thought to be rocky, it also is one of the furthest planets known to man, at a distance of 28,000 light-years.
The temperature on the surface? A freezing -220 degrees Celsius, which is below the boiling point of liquid nitrogen and close to absolute zero.
HOTTEST: The surface is boiling on planet WASP-12b. The gaseous planet hits up to 2,200C
HOTTEST: The surface is boiling on planet WASP-12b. The gaseous planet hits up to 2,200C

... TO COLDEST: At the other end of the scale, the frozen world of OGLE-2005-BLG-390L(b) is a very cold, rocky world
... TO COLDEST: At the other end of the scale, the frozen world of OGLE-2005-BLG-390L(b) is a very cold, rocky world
Epsilon Eridani (b) may not have as many unique properties to single it out - but it does win a special award for being just 10.5 light years away from us, meaning we may soon be able to view it in through telescopes, just like we can with our own solar neighbours today.
However, while we are unlikely to find life - the distance from its sun means any oceans would freeze - there are expected to be other planets in the same solar system which will be worth exploring.
CLOSEST: Epsilon Eridani (b) is only 10.5 light years from us - so close that we may soon be able to observe it through telescopes
CLOSEST: Epsilon Eridani (b) is only 10.5 light years from us - so close that we may soon be able to observe it through telescopes

Last, and on this occasion, certainly least, is the smallest planet on the list.
Kepler-10b is just 1.4 times larger than Earth, around 560 light years away, and was only announced to the world in January 2011.
While it is outside the so-called 'Goldilocks' zone - close enough to its own sun that water doesn't freeze, far away enough that the water does not boil off, it's discovery was heralded as a major landmark by NASA, as it was the first 'unquestionably rocky planet orbiting a star outside our solar system'.
SMALLEST: Kepler-10b is the smallest known planet, and was only discovered in January 2011
SMALLEST: Kepler-10b is the smallest known planet, and was only discovered in January 2011
With more advanced telescopes reaching out into ever greater expanses of space and picking up new planets every month, the question is: What fantastic discoveries the next fifty year will bring?

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