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Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

Damage in ‘Avengers’ Would Total $160 Billion in Real Life

Image: Marvell
The damage to Manhattan portrayed in “The Avengers” would total $160 billion, costing more than the devastation of 9/11 terrorist attacks, Hurricane Katrina and the Japanese tsunami.
The Hollywood Reporter consulted Kinetic Analysis Corp, a disaster cost-prediction and assessment firm, which broke down the figures as following:
  • Damage from the Chitauri invasion: $60-70 billion
  • Economic and clean-up costs: $90 billion

Compare that with the cost of the three catastrophic events mentioned above:
  • Sept. 11: $83 billion
  • Hurricane Katrina: $90 billion
  • Japanese tsunami: $122 billion

Insurance would probably cover the costs, given special provisions for acts of war, civil unrest, terrorism and God (thanks to Thor and Loki’s involvement). Still, this is chump change juxtaposed with another popular invasion movie.
“Compared to the aliens in Independence Day, for example, these guys were amateurs,” Chuck Watson, of Kinetics, told THR. “Of course, the Chitauri/Loki alliance were more interested in conquest and ruling, whereas the ID aliens were just looking for lunch or something.”

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